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Church Staff Needed

Aydelotte is seeking a dedicated, passionate, and enthusiastic Music Minister. Please see the job posting at www.abcshawnee.org/musicminister for more details. Applicants can send resumes to aydelottebc@gmail.com. (Monte Dean, Pastor)


FIRST, AGRA is prayerfully seeking a part-time worship leader. Please contact Joe Selcer at 918-225-9686 if interested. (Jeff Kelly, Pastor)


FIRST MCLOUD is seeking bi-vocational pastor for our healthy modern worship, church. Our mission is to reach people of all ages in a growing small town. Attendance: 75. Salary negotiable. Email resumes to fbcmcloudsearch@gmail.com. Include a photo on the resume, six references including four volunteers, video links to three recent sermons, limit resume to two pages. (Charles Kimball, Interim Pastor)


FIRST STROUD is seeking a Part-time Music Minister. This position includes housing and paid utilities. Please send resumes to First Baptist Church, PO Box 600, Stroud OK  74079 or email to fbcstroud@gmail.com. (James Bond, Pastor)

FIRST WANETTE is seeking a bi-vocational youth pastor. The church is working to rebuild its youth program and desires someone to join our efforts! Starting salary is $150 per week for 3 services (Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday evening) plus mileage. Please send resume and cover letter to llambert@sasakwaschools.org. (Clyde Lindsey, Pastor)


MOUNT PLEASANT  seeks a dynamic pastor to inspire and lead our congregation. Please send resume to to mt.pleasantbcpscok@yahoo.com or 7101 Kings Road Shawnee, OK 74804-9446. Mount Pleasant Baptist Church is eight miles northeast of Shawnee, OK.

ROCK CREEK is seeking an interim or part-time Minister of Music. Send resumes to rockcreekbaptist@hotmail.com.