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Divine Appointments

September 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

Divine Appointments

Throughout this past Summer, it has been beautiful watching God multiply opportunities and obedience and turn them into divine appointments! Watching the Holy Spirit do the supernatural work of mending hearts and directing glory to God the Father is awe inspiring. Each year in May we serve thousands of churches and their children, alongside 14 other associations, at ACC @ Falls Creek. Back in July, your association came together to serve one of our local churches through landscaping, grading, and gravel needs…work that could not have been accomplished without you! With our Oklahoma FaithRiders state director and state chaplain, both from our association, I have been blessed to be able to join them on mission in both Daytona, FL, and Sturgis, SD. And the extra (Holy Spirit improvised) opportunities made available through those efforts to present the gospel have at times, been as sweet as or sweeter than the planned activities. I anticipate watching students come to faith in Christ through our planned “Saw You at the Pole” rally, as well as joint revival efforts through the Hobbs College students at OBU. For these things to happen, we must remember who we are…in God’s hands…obedient…anticipating…as the larger body of Christ within our two counties. We are Pottawatomie Lincoln Baptist Association…10,000+ strong! And when we choose to work together, we can accomplish so much more than we can as individual churches! Paul reminds us, in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, that we are each a necessary part of the greater whole. Three basic truths about spiritual gifts: First, every spiritual gift is a part of the body because every part belongs and has a reason for being in the body. Second, each spiritual gift is a part of the greater body because every part needs the other parts. Third, each spiritual gift is a part of the greater body because it does something for the body. This includes strengthening others’ faith, stewarding the gift(s) with which He has blessed (the currency of grace), and most importantly, do so all for the glory of God! God is such a giving God! He does not give simply to secure our eternal relationship with Him, but also gives the gift of salvation and spiritual gifts so we can participate in what He is doing to redeem others to Him.

Thank you PLBA for being the Church!

